Choosing Your Boat
Sizes range from 2 to 7 people. These cruisers feature a choice of steering positions – one on the raised sun-deck and one below, so are ideal for all weather conditions. The upper deck steering position gives you all round visibility and the driver is able to be outside with the rest of the party enjoying the excellent views of the countryside.

Available in a wide range of sizes sleeping from 2 to 10 people. Forward vision is very good from these craft, which usually feature a single level deck that many parties find more convenient and easy. This style of boat is ideally suitable for first timers, families with small children and the less mobile as once on board there are no steps to contend with. These cruisers are also very popular for fishing. There are various choices within this style, such as either full sliding roofs or sliding sunroof over saloon. No canopies on this style have to be lowered when approaching low bridges, and some of these styles also have wells with seating at the front.

Available in a range of sizes sleeping from 2 to 12 people. The feature of this design is a large full sliding canopy over the saloon or a sliding sunroof of the cockpit area, which makes it very pleasant for open air cruising and dining. These give all round good visibility from the higher steering position. Some large centre cockpits also allow you to have an afterdeck.

These cruisers are available in a range of sizes sleeping from 2 to 5 people. A folding roof (similar to the roof of a soft-top car) provides all-weather protection for the cockpit area. All canopies on these have to be taken down to go under any of the low bridges. Aft cockpit cruisers tend to be smaller than other styles, and are a popular choice for first-timers to boating. Aft cockpits normally have a seated driving position outside of the main cabin area. They are generally easier to manoeuvre, since all of the boat is visible forward from the steering position and have easy access to mooring points. These are very popular with fisherman also.

Sedan cruisers are available in a range of sizes sleeping from 2 to 6 people. The saloon has fixed elevated roof incorporating sliding sunroof and raised steering position giving good visibility and patio doors with rear well seating. This cruiser is ideal for sunbathing at the back, and is also ideal for fishing.

Start Days for Holidays
Short break start days are:
5 nights = Thurs – Tues.
4 nights = Mon – Fri or Tues – Sat.
3 nights = Fri – Mon or Sat – Tues.
2 nights = Tues – Thurs.
7 nights or more – starting on any of the days above.
Different boats offer different start days, week and short breaks as above.