Pancake Day is finally here! We’re planning on eating pancakes until we’re full – what about you? If you love pancakes as much as us here at Richardson’s, then you might enjoy making them at any time of the year, not just on Shrove Tuesday. That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide to show you that you can have pancakes at any time of the year – even when holiday with us on board one of our cruisers in the Broads National Park! Cooking on the Broads is a piece of cake, as all of our boats come with well-equipped kitchens, meaning cooking pancakes on the Broads is perfect whatever the weather!

Cooking on the Broads: Pancakes
If you’re happy to use powdered pancake mix, then cooking on the Broads really is simple – all you need to do is fire up the hob and go! Otherwise, pick your favourite pancake recipe and get to work! Everything you’ll need is onboard
If you don’t have a favourite recipe, here’s our go-to for making delicious pancakes every time!

You’ll need:
- 100g plain flour
- 2 eggs
- 250ml milk
- Oil (for frying)
- Your choice of toppings (we prefer lemon and caster sugar!)
Making them:
Mix all of the ingredients together (apart from the oil and toppings) until smooth, and there’s no lumps. Then, simply heat your frying pan to a medium heat, add your oil, and off you go! Coat the bottom of your frying pan with a layer of batter, cook for 30 seconds to a minute (check the underside is golden) before flipping. Cook for another 30 seconds to a minute, and your pancake should be ready! Repeat for the rest of the batter then drizzle with lemon and sugar (or whatever you like!) and enjoy!