A rare bat species, known as ‘Nathusius’ pipistrelle’, has been uncovered at Whitlingham Country Park during surveys undertaken by the Norwich Bat Group. The surveys showed that Whitlingham was one of the most important locations in the Broads National Park for this rare species. This is the first year that the Norwich Bat Group has joined the National Nathusius’ Pipistrelle Project run by the Bat Conservation Trust, the Broads Authority states.

Rare Bat Species Discovered in the Broads National Park
The Norwich Bat Group spent the summer trapping and ringing the rare species at 8 different locations across the Broads, plus 2 more sites in North Norfolk. After confirming identity, a brief weighing and measuring session plus ringing with a unique ring number, the bats are immediately released. 32 sessions have been undertaken by the group, completed by 22 volunteers who have managed to ring 52 of the rare bat species. 13 of the fifty-two ringed were found in Whitlingham.
Artist’s impression of ‘Nathusius’ pipistrelle’, the rare bat species found in Whitlingham Country Park.